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Future Lions nomination at Cannes International Festival of Creativity, 2017


Due to constant attacks on countries like Syria, there have been thousands of civilian deaths. Last year alone it was reported that 26,171 bombs were dropped. Attacks like these have an insane amount of collateral damage which results in civilian deaths. 



The latest developments in the communication technology have stunned us, we tapped two innovative platforms to combat the problem. Shazam is known to recognise every song in it's database, we added the sound of missiles and drones, so we know when they're approaching. Next, we tapped into the newly talked about Mesh Network Technology that boasts about communicating with people with single node, peer to peer connections that do not need Wifi or even cellular network.  



Install warning systems that detect missile sounds and use Mesh Network Technology to communicate with the people in war ridden areas that will allow them time to evacuate and get to safe zones.

Art Director: Pradhan Thandra

Copywriter: Aws Bejaoui

Copywriter: Bashar Galal

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